Flower's House Group was founded in Moscow in October 1994. We started as a flower import business focused mainly on Ecuadorian flowers. Later, in 1995, we decided to open two brokerage companies: one in Ecuador and the other in Colombia, Quito Inor Flowers, and Exotica Export, respectively. In 1997, the company also expanded into the logistic arm of the flower business, closings its own deals with airlines and owning trucks to transport roses from Amsterdam to Russia. In 2018 we opened our Miami branch.
In 2001, our first flower farm came into existence through a partnership with Rose Connection that lasted until 2013. The project’s commercial arm was managed by Quito Inor Flowers. In 2011, El Boliche, a niche product company was founded. In 2015, the brokerage side of the company was shut down due to the crisis that hit Russia. Thus, all the expertise and energies were focused on developing the farm’s brand. An effort that has resulted in several awards throughout the years.
In 2001 Rosas de Tocancipa was created in Colombia, with the objective of providing the highest quality roses to the Russian market. Thereafter, Exotic Farms was established in 2003, with the first farm known as Trifulca, closely followed by Las Lomas in 2005 and Canarias in 2008; today they are all known as Exotic Farms. Since then, we have been relentlessly improving the quality of our roses and developing new products. Today we specialize in procuring the best greens in the country.
In 2011, we began expanding into non-traditional markets. Igniting a slow but constant expansion into the North American market, making it the second most important region for our group.
The Flower's House Group brand was created in 2015 to focus the new sales team on expanding the North American, South American, and European Market. This was when we incorporated the Miami and Amsterdam branches into the group. Officially the brand became public at the beginning of 2017.
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